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Monday, December 06, 2004

english language one

CAN: zipper ENG: zip (incidentally it's a canadian invention!)
CAN: snap ENG: popper

Go figure! (or "work that one out" in ENG)

as you may gather, the household is considering diaper options right now.

I have a feeling this will be the first of many ponderings on the bizarre intricacies of the english language - specifically the difference between english english and canadian english. mom and dad continue to use these strange phrases and words that just don't make sense to us canadians, eh?


Timbo said...

"english english" ... you snob! lol

tommy : s said...

what else am i supposed to call it eh? as the whinging pom finally surfaces.

Timbo said...

hmmm joel i think i need to have a word to your parents. this kind of talk is hardly what i would call politically correct. for shame!