Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 13, 2006

around town with great-grandma

she wasn't here for all that long, but great grandma certainly got around! as well as a coach tour of vancouver, she went over to the island and visited victoria and the buchart gardens. not to be outdone, we provided a full chamber orchestra of buskers for her entertainment outside the market at Granville Island, ensured she ate her quota of pancakes and maple syrup at a diner, and played plenty of basketball.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the great-relatives

today is great-granny's 90th birthday, so we sent her some flowers and ate fish and chips for dinner in her honour ( a british birthday tradition, allegedly).

great-grandma, after numerous letters, emails and phone calls, giving us several different arrival dates, and the named of a couple of different hotels actually arrived in town today, and we even managed to find her. she brought me so many nice toys and presents that her suitcase was almost empty by the time she'd handed them all over. i took her to the playground at Kits beach as a reward. i don't think she was quite as interested in the beach volley ball as i was, but maybe she was a bit tired after her long journey.

we'll play again tomorrow

Monday, May 08, 2006

chris martins

3 people have independently said that i look like a mini Chris Martin. in order to check this out, i joined him on the latest coldplay photo shoot. i'll let you be the judge of who's the best looking dude.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

food glorious food

mom's been busy all week shopping and planning for this weekend's food extravaganza.

on friday night the youth group cooked chicken provencale ready to serve sunday lunchtime. first though we served brunch to the 9am congregation. pancakes for a hundred or so people. having located a couple of griddles to cook them on, and tried to persuade the locals that lemon and sugar is good on pancakes, not to mention training half a dozen teenagers in the art of pancake cooking, mom had had enough already. unfortunately she had almost 200 pieces of chicken to reheat ready for lunch.........

by the time it was all over we'd sold 900 krispy kreme donuts ( actually 899 - dad ate the last one), served and cleared up both brunch and lunch, not poisoned anyone AND raised over 2000 dollars towards the historymaker trip. hoorah

Friday, May 05, 2006


after all that waiting, Monday finally came - and i got my hair cut by the Canadian men's hair stylist of the year. Really!!! Let's hear it for Alexandera Brown :) She came over and cut my hair in our kitchen, and dad's, and even mom's - although she's not a man. Mine looks pretty funky, although i say so myself. I'll have to get dad to take a photo for you.

What else - it was so windy when we went down to the beach i almost got blown over. There were lots of crashing waves and it was pretty exciting. Almost as exciting as going out for breakfast. Mom let me try maple syrup on my bacon. Now that's really good. I mopped up several servings with my bread too. I got kind of sticky, but dad came to the rescue.

That was at 8am, and before that? Oh yes, we went to the hospital where i got to see my new sibling turning somersaults. An active little thing, but just the one. No twins then. Phew!!!