Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

more presents

I really don't want to side with one of my parents over the other, but there ARE times when mom's right. dad says you only get junk and bills in the mail and can't understand why mom gets excited about checking whether the mail has arrived. I know I haven't been around all that long, but in my short experience the nice mail lady brings nothing but cards and presents. What's more, she does that every day. Cool!

For example, today I got a hand knitted blue and yellow blanket from Granny Tilford, yesterday I got a winter outfit, the day before I got a soft toy - and every day I get more cards congratulating me on my arrival. Anyone would think i'd done something difficult, but there was really only one way out actually, so it would have been very hard to get lost.

What made today special was getting my very first brown envelope. Even mom thought this was a bill, but it turned out to be my birth certificate. now I officially exist. that's great. I feel so much better about myself now.

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