Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

what a hero!

so it's 2.30am and mom's got a migraine and is half paralyzed. hero number one is dad - he found the drugs :) and held a cold wet cloth on mom's head whilst hero number two - Joel - managed to latch on and feed himself in the pitch dark in a somewhat unusual position. hero number three is mom who managed not to be sick on Joel's head in the process!


Timbo said...

HAH! Migraine MY FOOT! That's a hangover right there, yessiree: a hangover. I see through the half-truths, "drunk on milk"? Whatever. Now it is "lying in the dark, trying not to vomit, medication, and cold wet towels applied to the forhead!" I see through this game.

From: someone who highjacked Tim's blogger account.

Timbo said...

Seriously now - my sympathies go out to you Liz. I might even pray too. That'd be novel!

Joel said...

life is much improved right now. i've been good almost all day, mom's feeling better, and dad had a great youth night. hoowah

Anonymous said...

Dear person who highjacked Tim's blogger acount,

I would like to inform you that God doesn't like what you're doing, insulting Liz and highjacking people's blogs! That's cruel!


PS You better not just be lying about highjacking your own account Tim, or else I'll look real bad.