after all that waiting, Monday finally came - and i got my hair cut by the Canadian men's hair stylist of the year. Really!!! Let's hear it for Alexandera Brown :) She came over and cut my hair in our kitchen, and dad's, and even mom's - although she's not a man. Mine looks pretty funky, although i say so myself. I'll have to get dad to take a photo for you.
What else - it was so windy when we went down to the beach i almost got blown over. There were lots of crashing waves and it was pretty exciting. Almost as exciting as going out for breakfast. Mom let me try maple syrup on my bacon. Now that's really good. I mopped up several servings with my bread too. I got kind of sticky, but dad came to the rescue.
That was at 8am, and before that? Oh yes, we went to the hospital where i got to see my new sibling turning somersaults. An active little thing, but just the one. No twins then. Phew!!!